ebb and flow


ebb and flow 的定义

  1. A decline and increase, constant fluctuations. For example, He was fascinated by the ebb and flow of the Church's influence over the centuries. This expression alludes to the inward and outward movement of ocean tides. [Late 1500s]

ebb and flow 近义词

ebb and flow

等同于 wash

ebb and flow

等同于 ups and downs

ebb and flow

等同于 current

ebb and flow

等同于 billow

ebb and flow

等同于 fluctuate

更多ebb and flow例句

  1. As an example of good science-and-society policymaking, the history of fluoride may be more of a cautionary tale.
  2. As this list shows, punishments typically run to a short-ish jail sentence and/or a moderately hefty fine.
  3. But the jokes flow at such a torrential pace that duds are soon forgotten; the best are even Spamalot-worthy.
  4. Yes, Byrd—dead four-and-a-half years now—was a Kleagle in the Ku Klux Klan.
  5. Ebb and flow, checks and balances, the center would hold, et cetera.
  6. The volcanic eruptions of the mountains on the west broke down its barriers, and let its waters flow.
  7. She also practises etching, pen-and-ink drawing, as well as crayon and water-color sketching.
  8. No law of that country must exceed in words the number of letters in their alphabet, which consists only in two-and-twenty.
  9. And Tom, aware that he winced, was also aware that something in his life congealed and stopped its normal flow.
  10. Mr. Spurrell came down to see a horse, and we shall be very glad to have the benefit of his opinion by-and-by.